We recently had our 150,000th customer here at The Enhanced Male. Not only is this a massive milestone, but it leaves the question “Exactly how much semen are we responsible for?”. And if you’re on this post you’re curious too!
Below you’ll find fun facts like how many men it takes to equal 1 blue whale, or how many inches thick the puddle would be if spread across a football field. Get your trivia brains ready because we’re gonna dive on in!

In total we have helped produce 38,636 gallons of semen per year now. This is equal too:
- 618,176 cups
- 3.5 swimming pools
- 552 bathtubs
- 1 football field at 1inch deep
- 3 hockey rink ice surfaces
- 2,972 quarts of ice cream each week
- 154,964 quarts each year
- 195,000 bottles of wine
- 413,144 bottles of beer
If you have a friend who loves these fun facts or you just want something unique to share on social media, click the sharing icons below and don’t forget to leave a comment. And most important, thank you for being one of our valued customers and getting us to this milestone!